Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just let me be myself

I fucking hate my family they don't support me in anything. Two of my cousins and my brother think I'm a freak but you know what I don't care call me a freak at least I'm me! Like today I said that I wanted a lip ring and they said that they would never talk to me again if I got one. Fine you know what don't talk to me! I don't give a rats ass if you talk to me. Then my mom said that there is no chance I'm getting one until I'm married and out of the house. Fuck no I'm not waiting that long. I don't understand it. It just doesn't make since to me. Please tell me why my family is like this. I just want to be me and have things that make ME happy. I feel like I'm alone in this family. No one relates to me and my taste. I guess I am a freak to this family. But at least I'm me to myself.