Saturday, June 18, 2011

Life, you've been going so good don't fall apart now.

I don't know what to do right now. I don't know where things are going with me and Logan. I want him with me right now. Im scared. I want to cry. Mommy doesn't feel well. She went to the hospital. She says it's nothing major but I know shes lying just so I wont over racked. I want someone to hold on to right now. Two of my best friends just left today for a band field trip. So I don't have them around to talk to. I do have Rowan to talk to still. But I just want a guy to be here for me right now. I'm feeling this sadness take over my heart right now and I dont like it. I want my mom to tell me what's wrong. I wan her to get better. I don't want to lose her. She's lik one of my best friends. I love her. T-T don't leave me.

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