Thursday, August 18, 2011

My life is falling apart

Today my mom saw the burn marks on my wrist so now she keeps asking me questions...ok after 2 years of doing this she just noticed. And right now I feel like I have no one I can trust. I told one of my friends what I did with that guy and she's pissed at me. Now if I tell her about this she's probably going to hate me. I feel like my life is falling apart and no one is here to put it back together. :'(

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I've done something bad...something really bad

Soo me and this guy have really been hitting it off only problem is that he has a girl friend. Now that doesn't seem that bad. But we've been sexting lately. NOT LIKE NUDE PICS! But just like talking dirty to each other...and I mean really dirty...only one person has witnessed it and she says she has nightmares cause she never wants see me or even hear me say what I was going to do to him. Anyway...not even this is bad. The thing I did was when I went a little too over board with this stuff. We were playing truth or dare and he dared me to call him and leave him a voice mail of me moaning...I did... -___- I'm regretting it soo much! I feel guilty cause he has a girl friend and when I feel guilty I throw up soo this isn't healthy...I need advice please help!!!