Thursday, August 18, 2011

My life is falling apart

Today my mom saw the burn marks on my wrist so now she keeps asking me questions...ok after 2 years of doing this she just noticed. And right now I feel like I have no one I can trust. I told one of my friends what I did with that guy and she's pissed at me. Now if I tell her about this she's probably going to hate me. I feel like my life is falling apart and no one is here to put it back together. :'(


  1. wait, i didn't know you did that hon! if you ever need somebody to talk to, i'm here for you. I'm pretty sure you have my number and i live right up the road. i hope you're doing okay hon, i worry about you.

  2. I'm ok like I'm fine. I'm not going to go and kill my self I'm not suicidal. It's hard to explain this...I like to feel pain that's why I just burn my self instead of cut my self cause cutting can lead to death but burning just leaves a scar and it feels good. The only thing I'm worried about is like how the hell am I going to explain to my mom that I like to feel pain like you never want to hear your kid say that but I feel like she thinks I'm going to kill my self and I'm not

  3. OH, I understand it now. and no, liking pain isn't all that strange. I like pain occasionally too. like I love the fact that I can stick my hand into fire and not care. though it's not the exact same thing as enjoying pain.
