Thursday, March 3, 2011

If only wishes came true

I really wanna pull off the scene look. I always wanted to be scene I love their style I love the hair I think that’s the best type of person that describes me. You got you preps, your tomboys, your jocks, your Goths, the nerd, and the scene kidz. To pull this off I really think I need to lose wait. I am doing this for me no one else this is what I want to do. I want to lose weight so I can wear skinny skinny jeans with tank tops that I don’t nee to worry about sucking in my gut. I wish dieting was easy. When the warmer weather comes I’m going to promise to my self that I’m going to run the track, imma work out more, imma eat healthier. I’m deciding that the only candy I can eat is Twizzlers nothing else. Cause you always need that one sweat treat ;) but other wise healthy food from now on!

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