Saturday, May 7, 2011

What I would do just to talk to you again.

Ok let me get you up on why I am done with all this shit…I hooked up the kid I thought I liked (Logan) with one of my friends (Shawna). And the kid, Jayy (who I have liked for 3 years now) is just killing my heart. I would do anything just to talk to him again. I miss hanging with him. But now he’s not the same person. He’s change. When we talk (this was a while ago), like his speech was different. Like I asked “how’s life” and he was like “mad chill”. I hate when guys say “chill” it’s so stupid. You’re not cool for saying that. Then there’s the reason that he’s got new friends. Like now if I have a party it would be awkward for him cause we don’t have the same friends. He hangs with “the cool kids” a.k.a. he hangs with the pot heads. And most of all that bugs me and I still can’t figure this out, is…why do I like him? He is not my type at all but I’m still falling for him. I don’t understand it. He’s like more of the muscular type of guys and I like the skinny guys who have piercings. I like the scene type of guys and he’s the complete opposite. But I love him anyway. I hate this so much I’m done with love. I’m not going to get close to anymore guys cause I know the end of it already…I’m the one who’s just going to get hurt.

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