Thursday, February 17, 2011

I don’t know who or what to believe anymore

Ok so I told you about this rumor going around about my friend. Well it’s about Desiray. It’s gotten a lot worse. Before it was just that she peed on someone. Now it’s about her having sex and midway she broke down and started crying saying she couldn’t do it anymore and she was in the middle of an orgasm so she pissed over the guy and sat in the corner of the room and cried. Now if that’s a rumor, someone went to great lengths to create that. So now I don’t know who to believe the rumor or my friend. And she does lie a lot. Like Charlotte, Layla, and I all ways catch her in a new lies. She’s also been out for like the whole week because of it and I feel bad. It’s like the talk of the school. I’m starting to believe these rumors unless she tells me other wise and tells me the truth of what happened. But she won’t even answer my texts. I want to help her but she won’t talk to me. And when people ask me if the rumors are true, she’s still my friend if they are if they aren’t, I just say “no you’re stupid if you actually believe that” and walk away. I don’t know who to talk to about this so I’m turning to you. Comment on this if you have any suggestions on what I should do. Please. :(


  1. I say you just step away from the rumors. if anyone asks just say that you honestly dont give a shit and for them to get the fuck away from you. people can be bitches so tell them to get over it and stay out of other peoples business. that's what i would do if i were mean enough to =) and you, my dear scarlet, can be a bitch if you have a reason... SO BE IT BITCH!! ♥

  2. Lmao thanks Rowan, you can always say the right things in a bad situation XD
