Sunday, February 13, 2011

Like they say, "you can't live with them but you can't live without them"

Ok, so I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a post. And truthfully, just to let you know, it’s probably going to be that way. I usually am pretty busy a lot, between friends, family, and school. And lately I’ve been wanting alone time and been like hiding myself in my room.  Anyway, my last post I said I would tell you about my friends. I’m going to put it in list form so it’s easier to read and you can refer to this post to find out who I’m talking about. Now I don’t think I’m popular, I’m really odd. I hate when people do this but its true…people just talk to be if there is no one else around. Whatever I can care less on how popular I am cause most popular people’s friends are backstabbers :P so HA to them! Ok friend description time! YAY!
My main friends (people I talk to a lot and care about a lot)
Rowan: I think she is the sweetest person ever and I love her for that! Because I can get angry really fast but she keeps me calm. And when she’s mean…it makes me laugh because I agree with what she says J she listens to a lot of music like me and we can agree on most of the songs we listen to together. She is an amazing singer…I wish I had her voice (jealous) truthfully we weren’t that close until this year. We are like best friends now YAY! (She also has a blog. She is the person who got me interested in this)
Prou: I think of her as the smart on in our group. If you look at me and her together you probably wouldn’t think we would be friends… I think we are kinda opposite from each other not really though just that she is really smart and I’m not. But she love MCR and I love BOTDF and like they are to total different bands but we freak out about the same things. And that’s where we understand each other. I would do anything for her. I love her she is one of those friends that don’t take your bull shit :D I love her like a sis.
Shawnee: no words can describe her. She is just…hmmm…ummm…wild? I don’t even know what to say about her. She is like me…we are crazy when we hang out. We fight each other like I bite her…she punches me…so on and so forth. Me and her LOVE horror movies. Whenever we have a sleep over, no doubt about it…we will watch a horror movie. I usually go to her when I have guy problems, she helps me through them.
Regular friends
Desiray: she has been my friend for a while now. We live near each other…maybe a mile walk apart. We took the same bus and I think that’s how we became close. We both did gymnastics…not together though...she was and still is better than me so she was in a higher class. I call her my “Tall Blonde” and it kinda describes why I do in  it. And if you’re stupid it’s because she’s tall…and blonde. Lately though I feel like we weren’t as close as we used to be. We walk home together sometimes and we do photography together but lately... I feel like we are spreading apart.
Charlotte: we met in 8th grade she was new and I and Desiray  talked to her on the bus. But again she is just like Desiray, we’ve been growing apart. She lives down the street from me and we used to hang out all the time. But since high school she seemed to change. Truthfully I think it’s the guys because it’s always been about the guys to her :/
Shawna: we had home room together in 8th grade and we both love to draw…we would have fights in home room saying “you’re so good at drawing. I wish I was as good as you” and she would say “no your better I love that picture your way better” we would always go back and forth. And when MCAS came we would pass notes to each other I thought it was funny. But she went to a different school…but we  still hang out. Truthfully i think she is really pretty…I don’t care if I say that I’m her friend and I told her that. But like she I envy her body and she has like flawless skin. I wish I had that. I’m like a plum short and chubby (I’m not saying I’m fat…i said chubby) But recently she told me something that shocked me and even though you don’t know me or whatever it may be. I WILL NOT SAY!  :x   ß lips are sealed
Layla: she’s the whore in the group and I love her any way. We went to a Bon Jovi concert together and since that we promised to always stay friends, and we have. I have only one class with her but it doesn’t matter we still talk anyway. She’s had so many boyfriends that truthfully I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT! I can’t even get one like really. We met last year in 8th grade. We had the same class together and we used to sing in math class all the time with Shawnee. It was so funny cause the kid I like was in that class too and he would just look at us like “what the hell is wrong with you” J she also introduced me to Logan.
Logan: he’s a sweet guy and all…but he’s not my type and the only reason I’m starting off with that is because my friends are trying to get me and him together and I don’t like him. I feel bad because I don’t know if he likes me but I don’t like him. He’s funny we joke around a lot…we weren’t really friends until this year. We were in the same class in 8th grade and this year we have 3 classes together. He’s more friends with Layla though than me.
Jayy: hmm…Jayy…I’ve like him since 7th grade. I asked him out in the summer time of 7th going into 8th. Ok let me summarize this. In 7th grade I only knew him because we were on the same bus. And I always thought he was cute and really funny. So I got Prou to get his # for me because I didn’t really talk to him and she was in the same class as him that year. Soo I thought we were flirting a lot and he always asked me if I liked him…I always ignored it. So summer comes along and I got the guts to ask him out because I  really thought we had something…I was wrong. He turned me down and I was left heart broken. 8th grade comes along…first day of school after that horrible summer. Guess what…he’s in my class. (now in middle school I looked like shit…I had braces, my hair was never straight and was puffy all the time…I didn’t wear any makeup, I had horrible acne, and I wore like guy clothes. So I now understand why he probably said no) soo long story sort…we are like best friends…well not any more (that will be a different post) he thinks I’m over him and I’m not :’(

These are not their real names...and I'm sorry this is long. I'm just trying to give you a discription about people I am goin to talk about. Some people might not be in here that I might mention. I'm sorry I'm not summarizing everyone I know

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