Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I don’t think my parent get me. Like my dad yelled at me just because I said “pissed-off” he says that’s not a nice word. Thing is he doesn’t know that I swear A LOT even on Facebook but I block it from him. And I get made a lot and I just want to swear at him or at my brother but I try to hold it in. Like really PISSED-OFF IS NOT A BAD WORD! Its like the word “Crap” or “Damn” I don’t find them bad. Yes maybe like “Fuck” or even maybe “Shit” or “Bitch” but really “Pissed-off”…not a bad word. Then I come home and my brother made fun of me and I slapped him on the head. And my mom says “you cant just hit people like that when you're mad” What she doesn’t know is that I fight all the time. I mean I fight with my friends but I beat up this kid once in 7th grade because he was pissing me off. My parents really don’t know me. Like I feel like I have two separate lives.
1. When I’m around friends
2. When I’m around family
Sometime I even act different in school. I try not to though because I hate when people do that but I do admit I do it some times too

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