Saturday, February 5, 2011

WTF? Why so long?

Hello, person. First I would like to start off by saying that Scarlet is not my real name. If you don't mind I would like to keep my identity to myself. I’m 14 turning15 in April. I'm not the type of person how tell my friends everything...unless it major...or something I need help with. But I do have a problem with saying things out loud that I just actually meant to think it. I'm kinda a bitch to people...and some time to my friends. And if you’re my friend who is reading this…I’m sorry if I have ever been a bitch to you…I kinda can’t help it. Ok, ok…I’m getting off track here. Anyway, I just wanted to express my feelings and how I look at the world throw my eyes to people who ever wanted to actually know what I think about when I’m day dreaming in class. I guess I should tell you about me. Well you already know that I can be a bitch to people but I’m not always a bitch. I can love too. I love my friends and I love my family. (I’ll talk about them more some other time. This post I’m just going to get you to know me.) I don’t think I could live with out my friends. They are really like my whole life! Umm for my family…my mom and dad are divorced and I have a brother too. Soo…what else it there to talk about…wellll….I love art…I always wanted to be an artist…maybe I’ll put pictures of some things I draw on here. What else…..I listen to a lot of music…I have my iPod with all the time…I mostly to Electronic and Dance though. Blood On The dance Floor is my favorite band hands down…I love them with all my heart. They actually helped me through a little depression that I was going through. They taught me about how not to listen to what other people say about me. If I’m pretty or not…people can just go fuck themselves. J I actually saw them in concert once and…I died…I’m in love with one of the singers…and I met him AHH! ♥ Hmmmm….well is there anything else…my favorite color is blue. What else is there….ohm for sports wise…yea…I really don’t to shit…I play tennis though. I’m a fast runner nut I hate running and I cant run long distances so I don’t like sports with a lot of running involved. If you haven’t noticed…or haven’t even thought about it…I have not boy friend…or I probably would of brought him up by now. Yep I’m a 14 year old girl how had never had a boy friend yet…I say this because lately girls are just sluts. But there is a guy I like. I liked him since 7th grade…the worst part is…he’s my best friend and I have to pretend not to like him when I'm around him which is hard for me. I’ll talk more about him and other people later…this is pretty long…you’ll get to know me more through out my posts…I mean if you actually even read this far…maybe you just got bored and stopped reading and left…oh well…bye Mofo! ♥♥

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