Wednesday, February 16, 2011

today was just not my day...

If I had to rate my day (we have to do this in Health) I would rate it a 3. 10 being best day ever 0 being the worst day ever. And I’m picking a 3. Let me start from the beginning. I went to guidance today to tell him that I’ve been having a problem with my lock on my locker and that I would be having a lock from the store on my locker until I get a new one from the school. I say this because at first I thought you could buy your own lock for your locker but I guess you cant because the janitors cant open it if they need to. Any way, I had 3rd lunch today which was after math class and my locker is on the way to the lunch room so I never bring my lunch…I did the combination to the lock, it opened easily, I opened up my locker and put my math stuff away and closed my locker. Then I realized I forgot my lunch…now wouldn’t you think my locker would open since it worked just a few seconds ago? Nope! Its doesn’t! So it took me the whole lunch period until the janitor came and broke the NEW lock which was $6 with big pliers. I then was told that I still had to eat lunch even though the lunch was over. And since 3rd lunch is our last lunch in our school…I sat alone while watching the lunch ladies clean off the other tables. So it was like 4th lunch for me….which also made me late for my next class. Now I wouldn’t have mind that but I had a test that period. So right now my locker doesn’t have a lock on it. And the last time I kept the lock off…my lunch got stolen. Like I don’t care that it was my lunch. At least it wasn’t anything important like my ipod or phone or something. But on Mondays I do photography and I have an expensive camera that I put in my locker. Now if that gets stolen. Then after school we had to take a picture and we had to gather all freshman up to take this picture for the yearbook. 1) I didn’t want to take it because my skin is horrible in the winter…its dry and it brakes out with acne. So I had a huge zit for this picture for the yearbook. 2) we got yelled at by a teacher because we were too loud…even though we were after school and looking for people for the yearbook. Sorry if I want to help out. :P …bitch. Oh and there’s also a rumor going round about my friend…and it is disgusting. She didn’t come to school because of it! Its like she peed on someone? Like 1) that’s gross 2) who would believe that *actually a lot of people I guess* 3) who the hell in their right mind make up that fucked up rumor!

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